What is your reputation worth to you?? $500, $1000?? $100??
A phone call??
A Lunch??
Fulfilling your obligations towards someone?
Paying your consignors??
Paying your suppliers??
Repaying the money you borrowed??
Doing the unpleasant chore you promised??
Spending time with someone you agreed to see, when you have a better invitation??
Are you allergic to the truth??
Do you get an imaginary rash when you have to do something you promised??
Today’s world with its instant gratification, has taken away Social Responsibility and Social Correctness.
If you tell someone you will call them back, DO IT.
If you say you will call someone to meet up for lunch, DO IT.
if someone invites you to their home, have the decency to give them appropriate notice that you are either coming or not, do not leave them hanging wondering if you have died or are simply incredibly rude. It takes time and money to receive guests. Not replying is tantamount to theft. That food they purchased for your pleasure cost money. The time and thought they spent was spent out of consideration, to not reply is to throw it in their face.
Christmas is supposed to be a time where people visit with family and friends and have a good time, but unfortunately, it is also the time of year where we see some of the most unpleasant faces of many individuals.
Invitations come from many directions, waiting to answer someone to see if you get something better is rude beyond belief. If you become known for this behavior, at some point no-one will invite you again, knowing they can’t count on you. This behaviour became rampant in London Society a few years ago, and a few Socialites started exchanging the names of the perpetrators. At some point, they stopped receiving invitations to ANYTHING.
This BLOG is just a reminder, this is also a time of year when many people are incredibly alone, and your rudeness and lack of consideration may put them over the edge.
Try keeping your word, be respectful, be thoughtful, be kind. People who actually keep their word are the most respected of all. It is not your cool selfie that really matters. Not your title, not your fancy home or car. It is your WORD.
Happy Holidays!!!