Category Archives: Happiness


It turns out, I am a total Romantic.
Old Fashioned.

Yes, It is my old fashioned British upbringing rearing it’s head……..

Yes, I like to have a Gentleman open the door.
Move my chair, help me with my coat….

With the Metoo# movement, I feel sorry for men today, the messages are SO mixed, it is hard for them to know what is acceptable and what is not.

Add to that all the rhetoric about Gender Norms, with many identifing themselves as Binary. One young lady I know was very rudely lectured by someone that she was “THEY”, and did not want to be referred to as a ‘SHE”…. Sorry, but if you were born with boobs, YOU ARE A GIRL.

Then there is all the nonsense about Political Correctness.


Can we get back to some semblance of elegance, refinement …..MANNERS??? RESPECT?? DECENCY?? CONSIDERATION OF OTHERS???

Oh yes, back to FLIRTING!!

I am NOT suggesting by any stretch of the imagination that I want to go back to the Victorian Era and be a kept woman, I would
be murderous within 5 minutes…..GET OUT OF MY WAY!!

I love my independence, and the freedom of the lfe I have lived, travelling the globe on my own……meeting extraordinary people in fabulous places…..

One has absolutely NOTHING to do with the other………

Today was an interesting day. I went out to breakfast with a girlfriend and brought along my significent other, to a girly breakfast.
And no, three was NOT a crowd…….we spent 2 hours talking non stop and laughing.

And, here it comes, I was naughty…….i flirted with our male server……..yes, he has served us many times before, and knows exactly
What we will be eating……he pays attention…….and jokes with us……

And yes, I flirted with him in front of my significent other……..openly, shamelessly, with all 4 of us laughing…….and the more we laughed, the more flirtatious he bacame, and me back to him!!! Several tables around us ended up laughing at our antics……

There was an overabundance of laughter, and before we left, my girlfriend and I were presented with fresh hot baguettes as a take-away gift!!!

When we got out to the street, our car was blocked by a delivery truck, and our parking meter had died.
But, and here it comes,…..a police car had chased someone who he stopped a few car lengths in front of said truck…..what amazing timing!!!
So, I went up to see the officer, smiled, and asked if he could please come and ticket the truck once he was finished ticketing the car.

Police officers really like it when you joke with them and smile, just like everyone else… there was laughter and smiles.
He helped us back up our car onto the sidewalk and stopped traffic so we could get out, and with a fat smile, promised me that as the
Truck had been blocking us for well over 15 minutes, the driver would be presented with a big fat ticket. I thanked him, then
I blew him a kiss, and he was laughing as we drove off……

Did I mention, my significant other was driving the car!!! He was totally complicit……..and laughing……..he had just witnessed me flirting
For the SECOND time in an hour……

And then I did it again with a Priest…….in front of him, again……got my hug and kiss…..


Flirting can be fun, it can be harmless, it can make someone’s day.
It can make someone feel good about themselves, appreciated, wanted……

And NONE of it in a sexual, inappropriate way.

Apparently it is a lost art, in having conversations with people about flirting, it appears very few have any inkling whatsoever how to do it, or even how to receive it. This is very sad.

Living Through a Pandemic

As an observer of life, I find it fascinating that sometimes those making the loudest pronouncements and taking up the most space intellectually are actually the ones living the saddest lives.

In life, one makes certain key decisions as how one chooses to live their lives, and I made mine very early on, and followed my dream, mostly in silence. People I know would lose sight of me for weeks or months on end, my excuse for my absences was that I was working. That was certainly partly the case, and working in several cities simultaneously is a challenge, now, did I meet ‘x’ in Toronto or Chicago?? Yikes!!!

I have endured endless nasty gossip from women with too little to do with their sad little lives other than gossiping ruthlessly about people they know little or nothing about. The more I have heard of the gossip, the further away I ran…..

Living life well is the best revenge ,doing it on your own dime, even better…

One of the extraordinary gifts I have enjoyed is making amazing friends who are scattered around the world. As we are locked down in our homes we are seeing empty streets with a proliferation of wild animals wandering aimlessly about…..air less polluted, and quiet….

Taking the time to call some of these individuals has been wonderful, no one is in a hurry to go anywhere beyond the kitchen, and the ability to spend an hour on the phone with no disturbances has been brilliant!!!, but even better, the laughter has been incredible !!!

But there have been some less attractive observations, which is seeing certain people showing their true colours.

From cyberbullying on Facebook, to acting out like spoiled, pathetic children, showing a distinct lack of class or consideration for others. The refusal to wear a mask in public, and bragging about their unwillingness only shows their ignorance and selfishness, and willingness to put the lives of others at risk.

There are those who interrupt others and do not let them speak, behaving as though they are all knowing and all seeing. Sit back and think about it. They are showing who they REALLY are. The man who claims to be from an upper class British family, putting on airs and a fake English accent ,screaming people down when he does not agree with them, and throwing temper tantrums like a bratty 2 year old. No one from a decent family would EVER behave in such a disgraceful fashion…..
Then, to continue the thought, if he is from such an amazing background ,why is it that he has returned to Britain twice in the last 30 years, and stayed in horrid B & B’s instead of with relatives having homes in Knightsbridge, Holland Park or Mayfair????
Last thought on this dreadful person, is realizing that over the years I am unable to remember ever sharing a really good laugh. That is sad.

Quiet observation of several individuals who make the most pronouncements has shown that, for the most part, they do NOT live particularly well, have not travelled, and in fact, are extremely limited in enjoying a cross section of friends and acquaintances.

Many have expressed feelings of isolation, however, the last time I checked, the telephone actually works in more than one direction. So, they are miffed because WE don’t call them, but when is the last time that THEY actually reached out??? When did they make you laugh or give you any type of pleasure to result to you smiling uncontrollably??

So, who are your friends?? More importantly, who do you still wish to keep as friends?? Unless one is extremely insecure and needs to feel that there is always an entourage, are they really friends or simply taking up your time and space, and worse, risking your life to satisfy their insecurities???

The ability to sit back and look from the outside in gives one extraordinary clarity.

Highly recommended during these uncertain times…

Being safe and careful is far more important than having selfish, uncaring people around you. It is your LIFE.

Do these individuals bring you laughter?? Joy??

Having too much time on one’s hands allows for introspection, contemplation and evaluation … must be able to look at oneself coldly at the same time as evaluating others. A frightening thought, but certainly the opportunity for a serious awakening.

To my amazing friend in London who suggested some of the changes to this BLOG, thank you for MANY years of joy and laughter, have an incredible birthday and wishes for many, many more.