Most of the people I know are of above average intellect, and are more successful than the average, yet, nontheless, are drawn to aggressive advertising and often exhibit a level of naivety which is extraordinary.
Just to be clear, NOTHING is FREE.
YOU are the product.
My biggest bug a boo is DNA testing. It is being touted as super cool to find out about your family history. The Government and Insurance Companies have been trying to find a way to obtain this information forever …Information is POWER.
Yet, here you are, thinking just how COOL you are giving away your DNA, to these organizations, touting the COOLNESS of knowing your family tree.
Little tidbits are sent along, always requesting more information, please send along the name of your maternal grandfather, children, uncles, cousins…
Let me be VERY CLEAR, you have just GIVEN away your familial DNA without the express consent of ANY current and future family member.
If, for example, there are genetic illnesses in your family, such as Alzheimer’s, MS, Cancer, etc, and you are helping build a family tree, with NO ONE’s
Consent, have you not considered that members of your family could find themselves being hit with huge health and life insurance bills unknowlingly??
Some Insurance Companies are now insisting on DNA screening, others, the wearing of Fitbits, others, placing Black Boxes in your car to monitor
Your driving habits. By virtue of accepting to use one, you are also sharing your GPS being captured, so that they see EVERYWHERE you go.
“send us your Insurance application and we will look for the best rates for free’ !! are you really that guillable?? They have just shopped ALL your
Confidential information to 30 companies….WITH your consent…..
Do you STILL think it is free???
Let me repeat, YOU are the Product.
“Let us monitor your credit score””……..another one which makes my skin crawl…..
Wonder why you are being inundated with pre-approved credit card applications, financial service companies and car salesmen???
Your CONFIDENTIAL information has been SOLD, and you approved it.
“”TRY our matress for free””…
YUK ! YUK !!! YUKKK!!!
Does that mean if you do not keep it, the next poor sucker gets a used matress??
It is NOT free…… it is USED…..
“”Use OUR App to find the best Real Estate Agent in your neighbourhood””….
It is NOT free, the agents are paying to have their names there…..
SOO……are they the best, or only the ones who have paid???
“””Use OUR App to find the best Home Repair Specialist!!
See above….moreover, you have just GIVEN away your home address, and budget for home repairs….
When salesmen start knocking on your door offering their services, DO NOT be surprised…….
You GAVE away your information……
Do I have your attention yet??!!
Let me repeat, YOU are the PRODUCT!!
Looking for a mortgage??? Let US find you the best rates, just fill in OUR online application…. Listing ALL your assets and liabilities….. to a company
Offering to shop and find you the best rates…..guess what, ALL your confidential financial information is NO LONGER CONFIDENTIAL, they have
Shopped it to 30 companies who are now in possession of it. They are SELLING IT, ALL OF IT.
Just an additional thought, in that application, you listed all your possessions of value such as art and jewellery, and you GAVE THAT INFORMATION WAY.
People are giving the government permission to take a facial scan for facial recognition, IRIS scans, fingerprints and now DNA….and you still do not think
You are being surveilled??
Does this not sound vaguely familiar…..???
The Government knows where you bank, and how you spend your money, and can close you down in an instant…..should they think you are cheating…..
YOU are the PRODUCT.
Start exercising your power and just say NO.