…..more on telephone arrogance….

Does it ever end??!

Just when you are sure you have heard every possible story of rude behaviour, some incredibly arrogant person drops a line on you leaving you speechless, falling on the floor!!
The latest in the litany of rude telephone behaviour is where some low class, arrogant jerk wants you to text BEFORE you call to tell him :

You will be calling
Why you will call.

I can’t imagine what goes through their minds to think that they are actually that important.

Then, there is the middle manager who insists you call his secretary and tell her what it is you want so that SHE can decide if your call is important enough for him to take, but you are already ON THE PHONE WITH ME YOU MORON!

Where on earth do they come up with these ideas??

Every day I receive a call from a friend telling me about the newest slight, if these morons think people don’t talk about them, let me tell you, I am getting calls, I know who you are, and some of my friends want to include your nonsense in my BLOG as they are so insensed with the rudeness. Many would LOVE me to include names, but I promised this BLOG would be confidential.

I once again called someone about a job opportunity, and was told to call back his secretary…..!!! Really?? You want me to tell your secretary I am calling you about a new position?? I think not…..however, your inane arrogance has insured I will never call you again, and you now have a huge note in my files to KEEP AWAY !!
The joke of course, is on this individual, who isn’t earning even close to the compensation being offered, but, hey, he is such a big shot with his secretary doing his screening, that he just lost a potential increase of $100,000!!!

So, Mr Arrogance and Self-Importance loses, as there is no way I would consider an individual who thinks so highly of themselves. The arrogance, and lack of good judgement and grace was amazing.
Grace, ah yes, a lost art. Clearly non whatsoever attributed to this individual, and yes, people notice, and yes, people talk, and some of us take notes……copious ones…..
Two hours later, I rang up two gentlemen who are extremely successful company Presidents, and, low and behold, both answered their phones themselves, and chatted with me. Lunch is planned with one of them upon his return from London England in 2 weeks. Hmmmm……….

So, there are obviously polite, smart people out there who understand phone etiquette, and simple good manners…..

This unfortunately, is probably my third BLOG on telephone etiquette, I had never expected to be penning another one, but with all the people I speak with in a week, someone always succeeds in surprising me with another anecdote which throws you off your chair….

Very few successful people I know have not complained about the phenomenal lack of telephone etiquette. When will people actually smarten up and think?? Regardless of how many contacts you have in Linkedin or Facebook, if you are mindlessly rude on the phone, the word will get out, and you are better to hang on to your crappy little job because at some point, the phone calls will cease, and with them the evaporation of interesting opportunities.

Respect and courtesy towards others goes far, thinking you are above everyone and are somehow special, well, it gets old, fast. There is always someone richer, more successful, better looking, more popular, more polite, more connected, than you are, and so manners tend to stand out.

If you cut yourself off with mind-numbing rudeness and condescension, people will and do talk, and at some point your phone will cease to ring. Guess you got your wish!!! We are all thrilled to leave you alone in your imaginary ivory tower with your imagined servants…….

So, why is it I can reach multi-millionaires, billionaires in 1-2 calls, and they are thrilled to speak with me, and often meet with me, yet some low level individual thinks they are a GOD?? Where on earth does this come from??!!

Secretaries who are rude to callers and interrogate them, and please, do not insult my intelligence and tell me that your boss knows you are this rude, bosses who think they are too important to answer their own phone, yet are simply low level Managers in huge corporations who can be fired on a whim, someone, please, explain to me where this self-importance comes from.

Over the years I have done very high level fund raising both politically and for various charities. Almost EVERY company President has called me back, promptly, and either participated or explained why they cannot.
I have put together tribute parties and brought people together from thousands of miles away, from Embassies, Companies, Judges, Lawyers, Company Presidents, Doctors, Senior Politicians, they ALL return my calls, and politely explain why or why not they will attend.
Some of these individuals earn $100,000 per DAY, yet they return calls. And THAT is why they are successful.

They have learned that not returning a call can result in losing the opportunity of a lifetime, with just that one lost call.

One of the most impressive executives I have seen is Billionaire Sir Richard Branson of Virgin UK. He is open, available, fun, and wants to hear from you.
He is approachable, successful, and has a great sense of humour.

The key in that comment is successful.

So, why is he approachable, and someone earning $100,000 is not.!!???

I will leave you with those thoughts………

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