…Prrrrrty time!!

The Christmas social season has finally ended, it started quite early and kept most people running around…

The annual bombardment of Christmas music started just after Hallowe’en, some industrious shop-keepers were putting out Christmas decorations and merchandise at the same time they were removing the Hallowe’en stock…..

Then the endless solicitations for every type of charity imaginable, and a few I am sure were concocted for the season. Pan-handlers on every street corner trying to separate the gullible and the guilty from their money, all with some ridiculous story , practiced endlessly until they ascertain which one gives the best results……

So, the annual frenzy starts – running around to secure the ‘right’ gifts and outfits for the never-ending stream of social events. Charity Cocktail parties, Balls, Corporate parties, Private parties, Fashion parties, in-store events, utter madness…
Sometimes there are 5 events on the same night, rendering in inordinately complicated for the aspiring socialite to decide on which is the better to attend.

Then are the lists in the newspapers, to help sway those who are not well enough known to actually receive an invitation , and the choice is over-whelming, are the choice of prices. Some charity events now costing $2500 and more per person.

Men, of course, have little to worry about, either a tux or classy business suit, women, on the other hand, have the most extraordinary knack for wearing the most eye-poppingly inappropriate outfits imaginable.

Fashion is a huge industry, extremely creative, which drives a huge segment of the economy, and is a great indicator of the emotions of the nation. Colours, skirt lengths, textures, to the neck or totally exposed, short sleeves, long sleeves, no sleeves, high heels, low heels, flats, stacked heels, round toes, pointed toes, no end in sight.

Karl Lagerfeld, however eccentric, is absolutely brilliant, designing concurrently for such illustrious fashion houses as Chanel, KL, Fendi, and doing spectacular photography as well.

Christian Lacroix, whose fashion house folded, also provides a colourful creative alternative from the drab, and one hears he is coming back.

Alexander McQueen, although deceased, has a fabulous designer running his fashion empire with an equally interesting knack for variety and absurdity.

The only problem with all this amazing fashion, is the equal number of women who are total fashion victims, wearing totally inappropriate clothes for their age or body type. A woman of a ‘certain age’ who has gained weight should NOT be exposing her décolletage back, and arms. Unless one has the body of a 17 year old, these clothes should be left for those who do. There are very few women who can get away with these clothes, such as the fascinating Daphne Guinness, she is tiny as a bird……mind-numbingly wealthy, and has an extraordinary eye. Her combinations are out of this world, and one notices she is always totally covered……

Seeing an overweight 60 year old in a flimsy chiffon dress exposing herself and trying to act kittenish is frankly disturbing, increasingly so with the level of intoxication.

Ad to that feather boas, head pieces and it is not a pretty sight. Flappers were gorgeous young things in their 20’s, with the body to match….!! Downton Abby, hugely popular, spurred numerous roaring 20’s events this season, and with them, many women in flapper outfits who were completely inappropriate.

Unfortunately some of these women can be seen running around town speaking out about being taken seriously in business, it is extremely difficult when their attire screams of inappropriateness!!

Several years ago, Sharon Stone went to the Emmy’s in a Gap turtleneck and simple clothes. It made the fashion pages internationally, and she was considered the most elegantly dressed woman at the event. And undoubtedly the most cheaply dressed!!!

Then comes the issue of drinking, no one is attractive when they are inebriated. Men become vulgar and often violent, women become lewd and cruel.

Some aspiring socialites show their true colours, as they become more vulgar and cruel with each glass, and yes, we DO REMEMBER.

Many of us are totally sober, and we are watching. So when these women expound on virtues and correctness endlessly during the day, and expose their true selves as drunken shrews at parties, boundaries are crossed, sometimes, with the new phones,their actions recorded for posterity, and memories are long. Pictures are forever!!

So, readers, before you go out there, take a second look in the mirror, then a third, and re-consider that third cocktail.

We ARE watching!!!…..and have a great time!!

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